by Carol Stigum | June 10, 2024

PostgreSQL Vs. MySQL: 7 Key Differences You Need to Know to Choose the Best Option

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PostgreSQL and MySQL are two of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) available today. Relational databases let you store data as tables with rows and columns, and they power many web applications and systems. The database is considered relational because the tables are interrelated. For example, you can have a sales database containing sales history for a store, and a product database containing product IDs and descriptions. You can link the sales database to the product database through the product ID, so that for each sale, you can cross-reference product details.

As the names imply, both PostgreSQL and MySQL use Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is a programming language for storing, updating, deleting, searching, and querying data. It is the standard programming language for relational databases and is a straightforward language to learn.

Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are also open source. They both have versions that are free to use, although both offer enterprise features at a cost. Both PostgreSQL and MySQL have vibrant open-source communities contributing to development, documentation, and support.

Although PostgreSQL and MySQL are both relational database management systems and are both widely used, they do have important differences. This article will explore the strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases to empower you to choose the best option for your database needs.

7 Differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL: A detailed comparison

An understanding of some of the key differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL will help you make a more informed decision about which is best for your business. We discuss some of the key differences below.

  1. Database architecture: PostgreSQL and MySQL have different database architectures that affect their performance and features. PostgreSQL uses a process-based architecture. Each client connection is handled by a separate operating system process. You can extend PostgreSQL to include custom data types and functions. MySQL employs a thread-based architecture. Each client connection is handled by a separate thread within the MySQL server process. Its storage engines InnoDB and MyISAM make MySQL very effective for read-heavy workloads and simple queries.

  1. Data types and features: Both PostgreSQL and MySQL support basic data types, such as numeric (integers, decimals, big integers, etc.) strings, dates, boolean, binary, and JSON. However, PostgreSQL has a richer set of data types, such as arrays, XML, and objects. We discussed above the power of relational databases.

    Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are relational databases. However, while MySQL is a purely relational database, PostgreSQL is an object-relational database. Objects offer the ability for child objects to inherit properties from parent objects. Support for objects is important, since many programming languages support objects, such as Java, Python, and .NET. PostgreSQL also supports unstructured data.

  1. Language support: The majority of programming languages for developing applications that interact with their databases – such as Java, Python, Node.js, and Ruby –have support for both PostgreSQL and MySQL. These languages provide native libraries for interacting with both PostgreSQL and MySQL.

    Both PostgreSQL and MySQL support stored procedures for encapsulating business logic within the database. In addition, PostgreSQL provides features and extensions for writing custom logic within the database. It also supports advanced features, such as table inheritance and custom data types.

  1. Indexing: Indexing is an important factor for relational databases because it enables the database engine to quickly locate and retrieve the relevant information based on the query. Otherwise, the database would have to perform a full scan for every query. Indexes allow not only for filtering, but also sorting the query results quickly.

    Both PostgreSQL and MySQL support B-tree indexes as the default index type. A B-tree is a balanced tree structure with multiple levels of nodes, with each level representing a different level of granularity. B-tree indexes are versatile, efficient, and useful for a range of query types. MySQL also supports hash indexes. However, PostgreSQL also supports advanced indexing options such as GiST and GIN. GiST indexes are useful for supporting complex data types and advanced indexing, such as nearest-neighbor searches. GIN indexes can be used for composite values or arrays and for pattern matching.

  1. Performance and scalability: PostgreSQL is known for its performance, especially its ability to handle complex queries and transactional workloads. Since it can take advantage of complex indexing methods such as GiST and GIN, PostgreSQL can execute complex read operations quickly. PostgreSQL also offers Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) that ensures high concurrency in write-heavy workloads. MVCC manages concurrent access to the database, so that multiple transactions can read and write without interfering with one another. PostgreSQL is also highly vertically scalable. It can handle large datasets and high transaction rates. However, PostgreSQL is more difficult to scale horizontally across multiple nodes.

    MySQL excels at performing read-heavy workloads and executing simple queries and straightforward data models. It also uses MVCC through its default storage engine, InnoDB. However, MySQL is not as efficient as PostgreSQL with write-heavy workloads. MySQL also faces challenges with write scalability, as writes are typically performed on a single master node. MySQL fares better with horizontal scaling for reading, using traditional replication methods.

  1. Security and compliance: Both PostgreSQL and MySQL offer robust security and compliance features. They both support group and user management. PostgreSQL supports a variety of authentication methods, including IP-based client authentication, SHA-256 hashing, and certificate-based authentication. MySQL supports various authentication plugins, allowing integration with different authentication systems. PostgreSQL’s role-based system is more flexible, and therefore more difficult to implement.

    The databases both support regulatory compliance, such as GDPR and HIPAA. However, MySQL Enterprise Edition provides more regulatory features out of the box, and PostgreSQL relies more on extensions for these features.

  1. User interface and community support: Both PostgreSQL and MySQL offer a variety of user interfaces. The most popular PostgreSQL user interface is pgAdmin. PostgreSQL also offers a variety of third-party tools. MySQL Workbench is the integrated environment for MySQL. MyWorkbench offers tools for data modeling, server administration, and SQL development.

    Since both PostgreSQL and MySQL are open source, they both have a large, active user community and excellent community support. Both offer conferences and online resources, and both offer regular updates.

Which is better, PostgreSQL vs. MySQL? How to choose the right database for you

Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are excellent database options, with robust querying, indexing, and security features. PostgreSQL is loaded with advanced features and extensions for data management, indexing, and querying. It allows you to create any new complex data type you can dream up. It offers excellent concurrency handling with MVCC, and robust transaction support. Yet with advanced features comes complexity. PostgreSQL is more difficult than MySQL to get up and running.

On the other hand, MySQL is easy to set up and manage. It excels in read-heavy workloads and has simple replication features. The downsides are that MySQL does not support more complex data types and that it is less optimized for complex queries.

In your database research, you may have considered alternates to PostgreSQL and MySQL, such as SQL Server or MariaDB. SQL Server is a Microsoft product, so it will integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft products you have already invested in. MariaDB is also open source, with a large community behind it.

So, which RDBMS is best for you? If you require complex querying and custom data types, and have write-heavy workloads with high concurrency, PostgreSQL may be a better fit. If you want a database that is easy to set up and manage, and you have read-heavy workloads and simple replication needs, MySQL is the answer.

Connect to every application with CData Drivers

Whether you decide on PostgreSQL or MySQL as your relational database, CData Drivers allow you to use the same SQL-based connectivity to access your databases, plus hundreds of other data sources and applications. You can easily integrate live PostgreSQL and MySQL data with other tools, such as BI, reporting, analytics, and custom applications.

CData Drivers are available for PostgreSQL and MySQL, in a variety of editions, depending on your development environment and data tools. For example, CData offers PostgreSQL and MySQL JDBC drivers that allow you to create powerful Java applications with your data. Or you may be interested in a PostgreSQL or MySQL Power BI connector. Click here for a trial of PostgreSQL connectors, or here for a trial of MySQL connectors.

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