by Anna Litvinskaya | August 27, 2024

Best 8 Data Ingestion Tools & How to Choose

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Businesses generate and collect massive amounts of data daily, and how this data is managed can significantly impact their success. Data ingestion tools are essential for collecting, processing, and transferring data from various sources into a storage or analytics system to power data-driven decisions.

These tools have revolutionized how businesses handle data and make decisions based on this data, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and scalability. This article explores the different types of data ingestion tools available in the market, how they work, and their advantages, empowering readers to make well-informed decisions when exploring their options.

What is data ingestion?

Data ingestion is the process of moving data from various sources to a storage medium where it can be accessed, managed, and analyzed. The sources can include databases, SaaS applications, streaming data, flat files, and many more. The ingestion process can handle both real-time and batch data, enabling businesses to maintain up-to-date information and make timely and data-driven decisions.

How data ingestion tools work

Data ingestion tools function by automating the process of data extraction, data transfer, and data replication. The process generally involves the following steps:

  • Data extraction: The tool connects to the data sources and extracts data. This step may involve pulling data from APIs, databases, data platforms, files, or streaming services.
  • Data transformation: Before the data can be stored or analyzed, it may need to be cleaned and transformed. This step ensures data quality and consistency by handling issues such as missing values, duplicate records, and incorrect formats.
  • Data loading: The transformed data is then loaded into the destination storage system, which can be a data warehouse, data lake, data platform, data store, or another type of data repository.
  • Monitoring and management: Many data ingestion tools come with monitoring capabilities to track the ingestion process, ensuring that data is being collected accurately and efficiently. They also provide management features to handle data governance and compliance.

Top 8 data ingestion solutions


Airbyte is an open-source data integration tool that enables businesses to easily connect and sync data from various sources to their preferred data warehouses or lakes.

  • Ease of use: Airbyte offers an intuitive Web UI, documentation, and a community on Slack.
  • Cost: Airbyte is free if self-hosted, with several pricing tiers for cloud hosting.
  • Scalability: Airbyte is flexible and scalable.
  • Integrations: Airbyte has a growing library of pre-built connectors, and its being open source means that the community can contribute new connectors.

Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Kinesis is a real-time data streaming service offered by AWS. It can extract data, process it, and analyze streaming data in real-time, making it suitable for applications that require immediate data insights.

  • Ease of use: Amazon Kinesis’ console is user-friendly, but some knowledge of AWS is necessary.
  • Cost: Amazon Kinesis uses the pay-as-you-go pricing model.
  • Scalability: Amazon Kinesis is scalable.
  • Integrations: Amazon Kinesis has native integration with other AWS services such as Aurora and DynamoDB; APIs for customs integrations.

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that can handle high-throughput and low-latency data streams and is widely used for real-time data ingestion, stream processing, and event-driven architectures.

  • Ease of use: Apache Kafka requires some learning effort but has extensive documentation and an online community to help.
  • Cost: As an open-source software, Apache Kafka is free to use, but maintenance may incur certain costs.
  • Scalability: Apache Kafka is a distributed system, which means it can be scaled out to work across a cluster of servers.
  • Integrations: Apache Kafka uses Kafka Connect to interact with external systems and includes the Kafka Streams libraries for stream processing applications.

Apache NiFi

Apache NiFi is a powerful system to extract, process, and distribute data. It supports highly configurable data flow and can ingest data from various sources.

  • Ease of use: Apache NiFi has an intuitive interface and documentation.
  • Cost: Being an open-source project, Apache NiFi can be used freely, but for large enterprises, using it still may mean hardware and personnel costs.
  • Scalability: Apache NiFi is designed for cluster configuration which means it can be scaled out as needed.
  • Integrations: Apache NiFi has various extensions to interact with different kinds of systems.

Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that allows users to create, schedule, and orchestrate data pipelines. Azure Data Factory supports both batch and real-time data ingestion and integrates with various data sources and destinations.

  • Ease of use: Azure Data Factory has an intuitive, code-free user interface and many learning resources.
  • Cost: Azure Data Factory uses the pay-as-you-go pricing model.
  • Scalability: As a cloud-based solution, Azure Data Factory scales on demand.
  • Integrations: Azure Data Factory includes 90 built-in connectors.

Google Cloud Dataflow

Google Cloud Dataflow is a fully managed service for real-time data processing. It allows users to build data pipelines that ingest, process, and analyze data in real-time, integrating with other Google Cloud services.

  • Ease of use: There is some learning curve to Google Cloud Dataflow, but there are many resources to help with it.
  • Cost: The pricing model for Google Cloud Dataflow is pay-as-you-go, like other Google Cloud services.
  • Scalability: The resources are automatically scaled according to the workload.
  • Integrations: Native integration with other Google Cloud services such as Google Cloud Storage and BigQuery and pre-built connectors for other data sources.


Matillion is a cloud-native data integration and transformation platform designed to ingest and process data for analytics.

  • Ease of use: Matillion has an intuitive interface, but requires a learning curve.
  • Cost: Matillion’s pricing depends on the enterprise’s size and amount of data.
  • Scalability: Matillion is cloud-based and scalable.
  • Integrations: Matillion includes connectors for various data sources, both cloud and on-premises.

StreamSets Data Collector

StreamSets Data Collector is a versatile cloud-native data ingestion tool that supports batch and real-time data ingestion.

  • Ease of use: StreamSets Data Collector has a user-friendly interface with learning resources and an online community.
  • Cost: A 30-day free trial is available.
  • Scalability: As a cloud-native solution, StreamSets Data Collector is scalable.
  • Integrations: StreamSets Data Collector includes 100 pre-built connectors for integration with various data sources.

Selecting the appropriate data ingestion tool for your business' data management needs requires careful consideration of various factors, including your data sources, processing requirements, and integration needs. Whether you need batch processing, real-time data ingestion, or a hybrid solution, there are numerous tools available in the market to meet your specific needs in data management.

Understanding the different types of data ingestion tools, their functionalities, and advantages can help you make an informed choice. By carefully evaluating your requirements and considering factors such as data sources, processing needs, scalability, ease of use, and integration capabilities, you can select the right data ingestion tool to empower your business and unlock the full potential of your data.

The CData difference

CData Sync

CData Sync is a high-performance data ingestion tool for building and deploying ETL/ELT data pipelines for any data replication use cases – all in a matter of minutes. Unlike cloud-only solutions, Sync easily integrates data between on-premises, public cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform), and private cloud environments.

For higher efficiency, CData Sync also makes possible data replication for only changed data from transactional databases (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres) into data warehouses with CDC.

  • Ease of use: CData Sync has an intuitive visual Web UI, with no coding skills or engineering knowledge required.
  • Cost: Predictable connector-based pricing for easier management of the cost of data replication and optimized spend.
  • Scalability: CData Sync is highly scalable and offers flexible hosting options, from on-premises to cloud-based.
  • Integrations: Users can connect to any relational/NoSQL database or application and any destination they need with over 300 available connectors built into CData Sync.

Explore CData Sync today

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