by CData Software | July 3, 2024

Data Ingestion: Definition, Benefits, Challenges & Key Differences with ETL

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Collecting and integrating data from various sources can be tough for modern organizations. With data coming in faster and in larger volumes than ever, businesses need efficient ways to manage and use this information to make smart decisions. This is where data ingestion comes in. In this article, we'll cover what data ingestion is, the different types, the tools you can use, and how it compares to ETL. By getting a handle on these aspects, you can improve your data management strategies and tackle the challenges of handling data, no matter where it comes from.

What is data ingestion?

Data ingestion is the process of gathering various types of data from multiple sources into a single storage medium—in the cloud, on-premises, or in an application—where it can be accessed and analyzed. This can be done manually for smaller and fewer data sets, but automation is a must for organizations that process large amounts of data harvested from numerous sources. An efficient data ingestion process is the foundation of the analytics workflow, ensuring that businesses have accurate and up-to-date information at their fingertips for informed decision-making.

The data ingestion process

While data ingestion is a detailed process within the framework, on the surface, there are just five main steps:

  1. Data discovery: The first step is to identify and understand the various data sources that need to be integrated for successful ingestion. This includes internal databases, external APIs, IoT devices, or a combination of several sources. Ensuring that all relevant data sources are accounted for sets things up for success.
  2. Data acquisition: This is the part where the data is collected from the sources. This is done through various methods such as API (application programming interface) calls, direct database connections, or by extracting data from the files to integrate the data. The acquisition process ensures that raw data from all sources is gathered and made available for processing.
  3. Data validation: This part of the process is critical and helps to ensure accurate analysis. Data validation verifies the accuracy and quality of the data before it is loaded into the target system. This step ensures that the data meets the required standards and is free from errors and inconsistencies. Validating data helps maintain data integrity and reliability for making accurate business decisions.
  4. Data transformation: After validation, the data is transformed into a consistent format suitable for analysis. Data transformation can include a variety of processes, including data cleaning, where inaccuracies and inconsistencies are corrected; data normalization, where data is structured in a standard format; and data enrichment, where additional information is added to enhance the dataset. This step is important for ensuring the quality and usability of the data.
  5. Data loading: The final step in the data ingestion process is loading the prepared data into the target storage system, like a data warehouse, data mart, or data lake. Once loaded, the data is ready for analysis and can be accessed by business intelligence, analytics, and other applications. This is where the efforts come to fruition, providing dependable analysis.

Benefits of data ingestion

  • Improved data availability: Data ingestion ensures that data is always available, no matter where it originates. This means no more time wasted hunting through different systems to find the data you need. All the information is centralized, making it easy to access and use whenever it’s needed.
  • Simplified data collection: Data ingestion automates the process of gathering data from different sources, saving employees from the tedious and error-prone task of manual collection. This helps organizations streamline analytical processes so they can act on the insights quickly.
  • Enhanced data consistency: Standardizing the data gathered from disparate sources eliminates discrepancies, creating a reliable foundation for analysis. Consistent data leads to more accurate insights and better decisions.
  • Scalability considerations: As modern businesses grow, so does the volume of data. Data ingestion processes are built to scale, enabling organizations to handle increasing amounts of data without difficult software updates or architectural expansions. This allows for continuous and smooth data management, regardless of how much the data pipeline.
  • Cost and time savings: Automating data ingestion cuts down on manual data handling, saving time and resources. Business processes become more efficient because employees are freed from the tedium of these tasks, which reduces costly errors and enables them to work on more mission-critical strategies.
  • Increased data efficiency: An efficient data ingestion process makes fresh data quickly available for analysis. Businesses gain insights faster, leading to timely decisions and helping them stay competitive and agile.

Challenges of data ingestion

  • Increased complexity: Different data formats, structures, and protocols can complicate the ingestion process. Advanced data ingestion tools and technologies can simplify these tasks, making it easier to handle disparate data sources efficiently.
  • Information security concerns: Protecting sensitive information from breaches and ensuring regulatory compliance is an ongoing challenge for modern businesses. Advances in data encryption, access controls, and monitoring systems can help safeguard data throughout the ingestion process.
  • Data integrity challenges: Accurate, complete data is the backbone of timely, accurate analyses. But there’s always a risk, however small, that data can get lost, duplicated, or corrupted as it moves from the source to the target system. This can be mitigated with validation checks, error detection applications, and data quality tools to preserve data integrity.
  • Increased regulatory oversight: More expansive and specific data protection laws and regulations are implemented every year, which adds another layer of complexity to data ingestion. Organizations should review and update data governance policies to ensure that their data ingestion processes comply with requirements, which can vary by region and industry. Staying informed about regulatory changes and implementing compliance monitoring systems can help manage this challenge effectively.

Types of data ingestion

Data ingestion is approached in different ways, each suited to specific needs and use cases. Organizations may need to take just one approach or adopt all of them, depending on the kind of data and who needs to access it. By understanding these methods, organizations can select the approach that best aligns with their data management goals and operational requirements.

  • Batch ingestion: Batch ingestion collects and processes data in large, discrete batches at scheduled intervals. This method works well when real-time data processing is not important, and it allows for the efficient handling of large volumes of data at once. Since batch ingestion can take a lot of processing power, it’s commonly used outside of normal working hours to prevent lagging.
  • Real-time ingestion: Real-time ingestion continuously ingests data as it is generated, providing up-to-the-minute insights. This is essential for applications that need immediate data processing and analysis, such as monitoring systems, financial transactions, and IoT (Internet of Things) data streams. Real-time ingestion ensures that data is always current, enabling organizations to respond quickly to changes.
  • Micro-batch ingestion: This is a hybrid approach combining elements of both batch and real-time ingestion. Data is collected and processed in small, frequent batches, typically in intervals of minutes or seconds. Micro-batching offers organizations a way to balance the efficiency of batch processing with the immediacy of real-time ingestion. Micro-batch ingestion works well for use cases where near-real-time data processing is needed, but the overhead of continuous ingestion is too high.

Data ingestion tools: Key factors to consider

The right data ingestion tools play an important role in automating the process within the modern data stack. They help your data move smoothly from source to destination. Here is a list of four major factors you should consider that will make your data ingestion processes easier:

  • Data formatting: To avoid compatibility issues, you may need tools to convert multiple data formats before reaching the target system. This adds flexibility and helps integrate new data sources seamlessly as they become available, maintaining a smooth workflow.
  • Data movement frequency: Consider how often you need to move data. Some tools are optimized for real-time ingestion, while others specialize in batch or micro-batch processing. The tools that closely align with your data movement requirements ensure that the data ingestion process supports your business, whether it’s immediate updates or periodic data transfers.
  • Data volumes and scalability: A scalable data ingestion tool will accommodate increasing data loads without compromising performance. This is important for future-proofing your data infrastructure, allowing you to manage growing data efficiently.
  • Data privacy and security: Data security is a primary concern for data-centric organizations. Make sure the tool you adopt offers robust security features to protect sensitive data. Look for encryption, access controls, and compliance with data protection regulations to safeguard your data throughout the ingestion process.

What’s the difference between data ingestion and ETL?

Data ingestion and ETL (extract, transform, load) might be seen as the same process, but ETL is a type of data ingestion. Where data ingestion typically involves transforming data after it is moved, if at all, ETL processes first extract data from multiple sources, then transform it into a suitable format before loading it into the target system, like a data warehouse or data lake.

Data ingestion vs. ETL

  • Processing methods: Data ingestion can be real-time or batch-based, depending on the needs of the organization. ETL processes are typically batch-oriented, handling large volumes of data at scheduled intervals.
  • Data transformation: While the data ingestion process might involve some basic transformation steps, ETL is more comprehensive. The process is extensive, including cleaning, normalization, and enrichment to ensure that the data fits the schema and is optimized for querying and reporting.
  • Complexity and use cases: Data ingestion is generally simpler and quicker to set up, making it suitable for applications that need immediate access to raw data. ETL, being more complex, fits scenarios that require thorough data preparation and integration, such as creating data warehouses for business intelligence.

CData Sync: Build and deploy data pipelines in minutes

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