by Danielle Bingham | September 5, 2024

Data Encryption: Definition, How It Works, Advantages & Best Practice

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Data security is one of the most critical aspects of data management today. With increasingly sophisticated cyber threats on the rise and aimed at every aspect of digital life, strong data security measures are more important than ever. Absent or outdated data security strategies and practices can have devastating results. According to a recent IBM report, the global average cost of just one data breach is estimated at US $4.88 million.

Data encryption is a critical piece of modern data security management, providing a protective layer against unauthorized access to sensitive information. Cyber threats constantly evolve, and safeguarding personal, financial, and business data from breaches and misuse requires an ongoing, multi-pronged approach.

These crimes have repercussions that can potentially affect the lives of millions. In fact, according to a recent Forbes report, more than 5.4 million data breaches were reported in 2023, affecting 353 million people. Compare that to the previous year, with just 2.5 million breaches reported, and you can get an idea of cybercrime’s rate of expansion year over year.

This article aims to provide insight into data encryption, what it is, how it works, and the various methodologies and algorithms used today. You’ll also learn about the numerous benefits of implementing a strong data encryption strategy and the challenges you might face. We hope you gain a solid understanding of data encryption and how you can use it to protect your digital assets.

What is data encryption?

The basis of any kind of encryption—whether it’s complicated financial data or the physical lock on your front door—involves scrambling information using a formula (algorithm), making it impossible to access without having the ‘key’ to decode it.

With that in mind, data encryption scrambles readable data into an unreadable form that only authorized people can decode and read. In information security (InfoSec) language, readable data is called ‘plaintext,’ while the encrypted data is ‘ciphertext.’ Encrypting data ensures that only individuals with the correct decryption tool (key) can access and read the information. These algorithms can vary in complexity, but they all serve the same fundamental purpose: Protecting data from unauthorized access.

Data encryption saturates nearly every aspect of daily life. The "https://" in the URL of many websites indicates that they use encryption to protect the data exchanged between your browser and the website. Email services often use encryption to protect the contents of your emails (including attachments), and mobile apps frequently employ end-to-end encryption to keep your conversations private.

Encryption is widely used in all kinds of applications today, from securing email communications and online banking transactions to protecting stored data on devices and in the cloud. For instance, a message written in a secure messaging app is encrypted on your device before it is sent and then decrypted on the recipient’s device, ensuring the message remains private between the two parties during transmission. Similarly, when you enter your credit card information on an e-commerce website, the data is encrypted before it is transmitted to prevent interception by malicious actors.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, encryption plays a vital role in maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of data across all digital platforms.

Historical context and evolution

The concept of encryption is nearly as old as the written word itself, with roots that can be traced back thousands of years. Ancient Romans used a technique known today as the Caesar cipher, in which letters in the alphabet are shifted by a fixed number to encode messages. For a modern example, the letter “O” using a shift of +5 would be converted to “S” (O -> P ->Q ->R ->S) when writing the cipher and then decoded back to “O” when deciphered. The need for secure communication grew as civilization matured, especially in wars. Consequently, encryption methods evolved with technology, becoming more complex.

Encryption advanced significantly during World War II when British mathematician Alan Turing and his team at Bletchley Park successfully cracked the Enigma code. The Enigma machine, used to encrypt German military communications, was one of the most complex encryption devices of its time, generating millions of potential settings daily. Turing’s pioneering work breaking the Enigma code helped turn the tide toward the Allied powers' victory and laid the groundwork for modern cryptography and computing. This breakthrough demonstrated the critical importance of encryption and the need for constant innovation in securing sensitive information.

As we entered the digital age, encryption has evolved into a sophisticated technology that underpins the bulk of our online security. With the rise of the internet and digital communications, the need for more sophisticated encryption methods became imperative. Early forms of digital encryption, such as the Data Encryption Standard (DES) developed in the 1970s, provided the foundation for the more advanced algorithms we use today.

Driven by the perpetual challenge to stay ahead of increasingly advanced threats, each new generation of encryption technology responds to the vulnerabilities and challenges posed by the one before. This continuous cycle of innovations in both protection and attack practices is one that is not likely to stop.

Importance in modern technology

Data encryption is indispensable in today’s interconnected world. It plays a vital role in securing everything from personal communications and financial transactions to sensitive business data and government secrets. Without encryption, data transmitted over the internet or stored digitally could be easily intercepted, read, or altered by malicious actors.

For example, when you make an online purchase or log in to your bank account, encryption ensures that your credit card details and passwords are securely transmitted, protecting you from potential identity theft or fraud. In addition, data encryption is a central requirement for regulatory compliance in many industries, such as healthcare and finance, where protecting sensitive data is legally mandated.

Data encryption is the first line of defense in safeguarding digital information, making it a key component of any modern data security strategy.

How data encryption works

As we mentioned earlier, data encryption involves transforming readable data, known as plaintext, into an unreadable format called ciphertext. This is done through an encryption algorithm, which applies a specific set of rules to encode the data. The key to unlocking this encoded data lies in the decryption process, where ciphertext is converted back to plaintext using a decryption key.

Data encryption is fundamental to securing data, whether in transit, such as emails or online transactions, or at rest, like files stored on a hard drive or in the cloud. By ensuring that data is only accessible to those with the correct decryption key, solid encryption tools and practices help protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Data encryption methodologies

Data encryption can be broadly categorized into two main methodologies: symmetric and asymmetric. These approaches define how encryption keys are used to encode and decode data.

Symmetric encryption is straightforward and can be likened to a simple lock and key mechanism. Data encryption (locking) and decryption (unlocking) are performed with the same key. This method is fast and efficient, but the key must be kept safe because anyone who gets a hold of it can unlock the data.

Symmetric encryption is efficient and faster than asymmetric encryption and can quickly encrypt large amounts of data. It is widely used to secure sensitive data in various applications, including encryption for secure file transfer, communications, and financial transactions.

Asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key cryptography, uses a pair of keys: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The public key can be shared openly, allowing anyone to encrypt data, but only the holder of the corresponding private key can decrypt it.

Asymmetric encryption enhances security by eliminating the need to share a single key for both processes, as symmetric encryption does. The private key remains secure with its owner, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

Common encryption algorithms

Several encryption algorithms are commonly used in data security. Each has its strengths and is suited to different types of encryption needs:


Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is among the most widely used encryption standards worldwide. It is a symmetric encryption algorithm known for its efficiency and security. AES supports key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits, making it highly adaptable for various security needs, from file encryption to secure communications.

Twofish is a symmetric key block cipher known for its speed and flexibility. It was a finalist in the 1990s U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) competition to become the Advanced Encryption Standard. Although Twofish was not chosen, it remains popular due to its high performance and security.

Blowfish is another symmetric encryption algorithm designed for fast performance. Its simplicity makes it a popular and widely used tool in software encryption applications. However, newer algorithms like AES are now preferred for most applications.

3DES (Triple DES) is an evolution from the original Data Encryption Standard (DES) of the 1970s but is now reaching obsolescence. It applies the DES algorithm three times to each data block, significantly increasing security. 3DES is more secure than DES but is slower than modern algorithms like AES.


The RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem is an asymmetric encryption algorithm widely used for secure data transmission. It uses the public/private key method—ideal for securing sensitive data exchanges, digital signatures, and SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocols.

DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) is used primarily for digital signatures rather than general encryption. Its asymmetric algorithm allows users to verify the authenticity and integrity of a message or document, ensuring that it has not been tampered with during transmission.

7 Benefits of data encryption

  • Enhanced data security: By converting readable data into ciphertext, encryption ensures that even if the data is intercepted or accessed by malicious actors, it remains unreadable without the correct decryption key. This is especially important for protecting personal information, financial data, and intellectual property.
  • Protection against data breaches and cyber threats: Even if attackers manage to breach a system, the encrypted data remains secure because it cannot be deciphered without the appropriate decryption key. Encryption is vital in preventing the severe financial and reputational damage that often accompanies data breaches.
  • Improved regulatory compliance: Encryption plays a key role in ensuring compliance with strict data security regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Strong encryption practices enable organizations to meet these legal requirements better and avoid costly fines and penalties.
  • Ensuring data integrity: By encrypting data, organizations can prevent unauthorized modifications, ensuring that information remains accurate and trustworthy. This is particularly important for maintaining the integrity of sensitive records, such as financial statements, medical records, and legal documents.
  • Enhanced business reputation and customer trust: Customers and business partners are understandably concerned about data security. Organizations that implement strong encryption practices demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information, which can significantly enhance their reputation. Building trust with customers and partners is crucial for long-term success, and robust encryption practices play a key role in achieving this.
  • Secure communication and data transfer: Encryption is essential for securing data in transit, such as emails, messaging, or online transactions. Encrypting data during transmission allows organizations to keep communications secure from eavesdropping or interception, especially for sensitive communications and financial transactions, which are prime targets for cybercriminals.
  • Simplified data protection across environments: Encryption provides consistent data security, whether stored on-premises, in the cloud, or within hybrid systems, ensuring protection regardless of location. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud and hybrid environments, the need for a unified approach to data security becomes critical. Businesses can confidently manage their security posture by encrypting data throughout its lifecycle—from storage to transit—even as they scale or transition to new technologies.

Common challenges to data encryption

  • Side-channel attacks: Side-channel attacks exploit indirect information, such as timing, power consumption, or electromagnetic emissions, rather than directly targeting the encryption algorithm itself. By analyzing these physical signals, attackers can potentially deduce cryptographic keys or other sensitive data. Even with strong encryption, systems may still be vulnerable to these attacks if the physical or implementation aspects are not properly secured.
  • Key management complexity: Managing the encryption keys is one of the most challenging aspects of data encryption. Keys must be securely stored, distributed, and regularly changed to maintain security. Poor key management can undermine the effectiveness of encryption, leading to potential data breaches.
  • Compromised endpoint devices: The devices that access encrypted data can compromise even the best encryption measures. Malware, phishing attacks, or physical theft of devices can allow attackers to bypass encryption entirely by accessing data after it has been decrypted.
  • Social engineering: Social engineering is often the weakest link in any cybersecurity strategy or encryption method. Attackers trick individuals into giving sensitive information, including encryption keys or passwords. Attacks can come from all forms of electronic communication, including emails, phone calls, texts, fake websites, and other interaction points.

Best practices for implementing data encryption

  • Implement strong encryption key security policies: Building effective data encryption starts with securing the keys. Develop and enforce strict policies for creating, distributing, and storing encryption keys. Use strong, unique keys for different data sets, and ensure that keys are rotated regularly to minimize the risk of compromise.
  • Keep encryption software and protocols up-to-date: Digital security is an evolving effort because crooks are always thinking of new ways to break in. Regularly update your encryption protocols and software to the latest versions to protect against emerging threats. Outdated software can expose your organization to risks that newer updates might have mitigated.
  • Ensure all sensitive data is encrypted by default: Encrypting all sensitive data—whether stored on a local device, in the cloud, or transmitted over a network—should be standard practice. By making encryption the default for all sensitive information, you reduce the risk of accidental exposure or unauthorized access.
  • Provide comprehensive data encryption training to employees: Even the best encryption systems can be undermined by human error. Regularly train employees on best practices of data encryption, including recognizing phishing attempts, handling encryption keys securely, and following your organization’s data protection policies.
  • Keep performance and security in mind: Different encryption algorithms offer varying levels of security and performance. Consider your organization's specific needs—such as data sensitivity, processing power, and speed requirements—when evaluating data encryption methods. AES is a strong choice for most applications, but other algorithms may be more suitable depending on your specific use case.

CData Arc: Secure MFT automation with AES encryption

CData Arc uses the strength of AES to help you create secure managed file transfer (MFT) workflows for all your data exchanges—from large-scale integrations to automated file transfers. Get end-to-end data protection to meet regulatory compliance, data governance, and privacy policies. The no-code, user-friendly interface simplifies processes for quick and efficient B2B workflows. 

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