
Pragmatic API Integration: from SDKs to Data Drivers

Pragmatic API Integration: from SDKs to Data Drivers

Developers facing integration challenges have many architectural options to consider. This solution brief explores several of the most common approaches to integration and provides an overview of the architectural benefits of using standards-based drivers to simplify integration and speed solution delivery.

  • Explore the advantages of Drivers and SQL Abstraction for SaaS and Data APIs.
  • Compare integration approaches including direct API access, SDKs, Integration middleware, and standard-based drivers.

Keep it Simple

Today, many organizations store critical data across a wide array of disparate systems. With the average company running 20 or more SaaS applications — and at least as many on-premises databases and internal apps — integrating, managing, and maintaining data connectivity presents a daunting challenge.

As a developer facing integration challenges, you have many options to consider and many decision to make. Drivers represent a logical step-up for developers seeking to simplify architectural complexity and build connected applications more quickly.