by CData Software | May 20, 2024

Database Migration Tools: The Top 7 Choices in 2024 & How to Choose the Right One

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Thanks to ongoing digital transformation, organizations are generating more data than ever before. Legacy databases can struggle to keep up with both storage and computational requirements for growing businesses, requiring many to adopt new technologies. While onboarding a new database system solves some problems, organizations must create and execute a database migration plan to make the best use of their new systems. Database migration tools allow organizations to streamline this process, typically using an automated approach, and minimize the risks associated with adopting a new database system.

This article explores the top database migration tools of 2024, guiding you through their functionalities and highlighting key considerations for choosing the right solution. It should let you discover the best fit for their data transfer needs and optimize their database migration process.

What is database migration?

Database migration is the process of transferring data from one database system to another. Database migration can be necessary for a variety of reasons, from system upgrades, platform changes, improved performance and scalability, and more. Manually migrating data poses its own set of challenges though, including the risk of errors and potential downtime, both of which can disrupt business operations. To address these issues, organizations can use automated database migration strategies and tools for a smoother, more reliable experience. Database migration solutions minimize human error and reduce downtime, ensuring a more seamless transition and supporting the organization's needs effectively.

What is a database migration tool?

Database migration tools are specialized software solutions designed to facilitate the transfer of data from one database system to another. These tools automate the migration process, handling tasks such as data mapping, transformation, and loading between differing database formats and structures. They work by first extracting data from the source database, then converting this data into a format compatible with the target database, and finally loading the transformed data into the new system. This process ensures accuracy, reduces the risk of data loss, and significantly speeds up migration compared to manual methods, making the transition smoother and less prone to errors.

Types of database migration tools

There are several types of database migration tools, but we cover three of the most popular below:

  • Cloud-based database migration tools

    Cloud-based database migration tools are services hosted in the cloud, designed to facilitate the transfer of data between/to cloud-based databases. These tools are inherently scalable, adjusting resources dynamically based on the volume of data and complexity of the migration task. The primary advantages of cloud-based tools include their ease of use, as they often come with user-friendly interfaces and robust support, and scalability, allowing businesses to handle large datasets efficiently without upfront investments in physical hardware.
  • On-premises database migration tools

    On-premises database migration tools are installed and run on a company's own servers and within their physical infrastructure. These tools offer enhanced security and control, as the data migration process is contained within the corporate firewall and managed directly by the organization's IT staff. This setup is particularly beneficial for organizations with stringent data security requirements or those that operate in heavily regulated industries.
  • Self-scripted database migration tools

    Self-scripted database migration tools are custom-built solutions created by an organization’s IT team to address specific migration needs. These tools provide the highest level of customization and control, allowing companies to tailor the migration process to fit precise operational requirements and integration scenarios. The advantage of self-scripted tools lies in their ability to perfectly align with an organization's existing processes and data infrastructure, though they require significant technical expertise to develop and maintain.

Top 7 database migration tools in 2024

  • CData Sync: CData Sync offers a straightforward solution for replicating data across a wide array of sources and destinations. It supports real-time integration and can connect with virtually any database or SaaS application. Its primary strength lies in its flexibility and ease of use, allowing users to set up and automate data flows quickly without deep technical expertise and can be hosted on-premises, in the cloud, or subscribed to as a managed application.
  • AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS): AWS Database Migration Service is designed to migrate databases to AWS securely and efficiently. It supports homogeneous migrations such as Oracle to Oracle, as well as heterogeneous migrations between different database platforms, like Oracle to Amazon Aurora. The service is scalable and minimizes downtime for database migrations, making it a popular choice for businesses moving to the cloud.
  • Fivetran: Fivetran specializes in automated data integration, delivering ready-to-query data into your cloud warehouse. Its strength lies in its connector ecosystem and maintenance-free pipelines, which are fully managed and automatically adapt to schema changes. Fivetran is ideal for companies looking to consolidate their analytical data in the cloud.
  • Matillion: Matillion offers data transformation solutions for cloud data warehouses like Snowflake, Google BigQuery, and Amazon Redshift. It is designed to transform raw data into analytics-ready data, making it powerful for businesses that need to perform complex data processing and transformation tasks rapidly.
  • io: Formerly known as Xplenty, provides a platform for building data pipelines to and from various sources, including major cloud data warehouses like Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, and Google BigQuery. Its graphical interface and ETL capabilities make it an excellent choice for teams without deep programming skills but needing effective data integration.
  • Stitch: Stitch is a simple, powerful ETL service built for developers. It focuses on integrating data from many sources, including databases and SaaS applications, into a central data warehouse. Stitch is known for its straightforward pricing model that makes it accessible for SMBs.
  • Hevo Data: Hevo Data offers a no-code data pipeline as a service. It supports real-time data integration from sources including databases and SaaS applications. Hevo is designed for analysts and developers alike, offering powerful automation features that simplify the data transfer process and ensure data is always ready for analysis.

These tools represent a range of solutions that can cater to various data migration needs, from simple data transfers to complex transformations and integrations, primarily focused on enhancing the capabilities of businesses moving towards cloud-based infrastructure.

How to choose the correct database migration tool

There are many factors to consider when selecting a database migration tool. Below, we outline some considerations for organizations looking to implement database migration.

  • Data source and destination compatibility: When selecting a database migration tool, it's essential to ensure that the tool supports both the source and destination databases involved in the migration. Compatibility is crucial for a smooth transition, as the tool needs to handle specific database languages, data types, and structures inherent to your existing and target systems.
  • Data volume and complexity: The size and complexity of your data are other factors to consider. A suitable migration tool must efficiently handle the volume of data you plan to transfer without significant performance degradation. Additionally, it should be capable of managing the complexity of your data structures and relationships, ensuring that all data is accurately replicated in the new environment.
  • Security and compliance requirements: Security has never been more important, especially when dealing with sensitive or regulated data. The chosen migration tool should offer robust security features that comply with relevant data protection regulations (like GDPR, HIPAA, etc.). This includes secure data transmission capabilities, data encryption, and compliance with industry standards to safeguard data integrity and privacy during and after the migration process.
  • Budget and licensing costs: Budget constraints are another important consideration. Evaluate the licensing costs associated with the migration tool, including initial purchase prices, maintenance fees, and any charges based on data volume or number of connections. A cost-effective solution that fits within your budget while still meeting your technical requirements is ideal.
  • Ease of use and interface: The usability of the migration tool can significantly impact the speed and efficiency of the migration process. Tools with an intuitive interface and clear documentation can reduce the learning curve and dependency on specialized IT skills. Look for solutions that offer visual data mapping, automation features, and easy monitoring capabilities to streamline the migration process.

These factors will help you choose the right database migration tool that not only fits your technical requirements and budget but also ensures a smooth and secure transition to your new database system.

Seamless database migration with CData Sync

Looking into database migration? CData Sync provides a flexible solution that simplifies on-premises and cloud database (and data) integration. With its web-based, point-and-click platform, you can effortlessly connect to and from every popular database, data lake, and data warehosue, ensuring a smooth transition whether you're consolidating into a cloud data warehouse or synchronizing across systems.

CData Sync's predictable pricing model allows you to plan and budget with no surprises. Embrace the power of efficient data integration and start benefiting from a solution that scales with your needs.

Discover how CData Sync can streamline your database migration projects—start your journey today!

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