by CData Software | August 8, 2022

CData Virtuality Podcast: The World of Data Virtualization

cdata virtuality

Today’s business world is constantly changing, and organizations need to be able to respond as fast as possible in order to maintain their competitive edge. For data teams, this means increased pressure to deliver data faster and more flexibly.

However, there are certain aspects which impact the flexibility and speed in generating valuable insights. 

Current challenges of delivering data

Data silos, different formats, and the fact that most data systems require technical knowledge to operate are some of the main challenges which lead to increased turnaround time for business requests. Because before you get to use it, you first have to find it and change it to the correct format. At the same time, data governance and data quality aspects need to be ensured and self-service initiatives supported. The importance of the latter is well reflected in the latest trends such as data mesh.

There is a need for a solution that not only integrates all these disparate data sources but also democratizes data by making it available to more users, including an ever-increasing number of business users. This solution needs to function more like an operating system. Something similar to what you have on your computer where all the components and devices are working together as one without requiring your intervention. You don’t need to specify how much CPU, memory and storage each program you’re using gets, the operating system handles that for you.

It should be the same for data. The technical complexity should be hidden and the data should be exposed in the most efficient way for the user. This way they can focus on getting the maximum value from it without spending energy on time-consuming tasks such as formatting or writing code. For CData Virtuality, Advanced Data Virtualization is one of the main drivers in this Data Operating System (Data OS) approach. 

In an EM360 podcast, Dr. Nick Golovin, Founder and CEO of CData Virtuality talks in detail about Advanced Data Virtualization, what it means for businesses, and how it can be applied. He also discusses about two big trends in the data virtualization market:

  • The increased involvement of business users and subject matter experts in all the data related topics 
  • A market need for SaaS when it comes to data virtualization to help data teams concentrate more on the deliverability and accessibility of data and less on infrastructure management and deployment

Check out our podcast

How can CData Virtuality help your business?

By combining data virtualization with ETL/ELT, we enable businesses to leverage the full potential of their data, providing a single source of truth platform. Our flexible platform which combines different integration methods in one, is a reliable enabler and accelerator for modern data architectures, like data fabric, data mesh, unified data platform and hybrid-/ multi-cloud environments. 

Enterprises around the world, such as BSH, PGGM, PartnerRe or Crédit Agricole use CData Virtuality to lower the costs associated with their data integration initiatives, increase the productivity of their data teams and reduce time-to-market.

Get a free trial and discover how our platform can help your business thrive.