Solutions & Use Cases

Connect to QuickBooks Data from Google Apps Script
July 27, 2016

Connect to QuickBooks Data from Google Apps Script

There are many on-premises accounting and CRM applications that facilitate the work that businesses do. From automated functionality, to single click reporting, these tools provide the opportunity to simplify and streamline tasks such as bookkeeping, lead management, and email campaigns (...

April 14, 2016

SQL Access to Apache Cassandra

The Apache Cassandra database provides its users scalability, high availability, fault tolerance, and linear scalability without sacrificing performance. By using any of the CData Drivers for Apache Cassandra , you can access your Apache Cassandra data using SQL to read from and write to ...

Video: Connecting to MongoDB Data from Microsoft Excel
October 29, 2015

Video: Connecting to MongoDB Data from Microsoft Excel

Interested in connecting to your MongoDB data from Microsoft Excel? Check out the tutorial video below: You can check out our MongoDB ODBC Driver product page for more information. Feel free to download a free, 30-day trial and get started working with your MongoDB data today!

Video: Connecting to BigQuery Data from Microsoft Excel
October 8, 2015

Video: Connecting to BigQuery Data from Microsoft Excel

Interested in connecting to your BigQuery data from Microsoft Excel? Check out the tutorial video below: You can check out our BigQuery ODBC Driver product page for more information. Feel free to download a free, 30-day trial and get started working with your BigQuery data today!