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Connect to live data from BambooHR with the API Driver

Connect to BambooHR

Connect to BambooHR Data in DigitalSuite Studio through RunMyProcess DSEC

Use Arkobi Digital's low-code cloud native platform RunMyProcess's DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect (DSEC) to connect to BambooHR.

The CData JDBC Driver for BambooHR implements JDBC Standards and enables a applications ranging from BI to IDE to connect with BambooHR. In this article, we describe how to connect to BambooHR data from Arkobi Digital RunMyProcess's DSEC and connect to BambooHR in RunMyProcess.

Setting up EnterpriseConnect Agent

Configure the EnterpriseConnect Agent following the EnterpriseConnect page in the RunMyProcess documentation.

Setting up JDBC Adapter

The JDBC Adapter section describes the steps to connect to RDBMS through JDBC. Follow the steps and open the JDBC.config file.

  1. Create a JSON entry for the CData JDBC Driver for BambooHR, e.g. API = { "sqlDriver" : "...", "sqlSource" : "...", "sqlDriverPath" : "..." }
  2. Set the "sqlDriver" field to the Class name for the CData JDBC Driver, e.g.
  3. Set the "sqlSource" field to a JDBC URL for connecting to BambooHR, e.g.

    Built-in Connection String Designer

    For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the BambooHR JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

    java -jar cdata.jdbc.api.jar

    Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

    Start by setting the Profile connection property to the location of the BambooHR Profile on disk (e.g. C:\profiles\bamboohr.apip). Next, set the ProfileSettings connection property to the connection string for BambooHR (see below).

    BambooHR API Profile Settings

    In order to authenticate to BambooHR, you'll need to provide your API Key. To generate an API key, log in and click your name in the upper right-hand corner of any page to get to the user context menu. If you have sufficient permissions, there will be an "API Keys" option in that menu to go to the page, where you can create a new API Key. Additionally, you will need to set the Domain, found in the domain name of your BambooHR account. For example if your BambooHR account is, then the Domain should be 'acmeinc'. Set both the API Key and Domain in the ProfileSettings property to connect.

  4. Set the "sqlDriverPath" field to the name of the CData JDBC Driver JAR file, e.g.

Sample JDBC.config File

#DBAgent Configuration API = {"sqlDriver" : "cdata.jdbc.api.APIDriver", "sqlSource" = "jdbc:api:Profile=C:\profiles\BambooHR.apip;ProfileSettings='Domain=acmeinc;APIKey=your_api_key';","sqlDriverPath" = "cdata.jdbc.api.jar" }

Put the JDBC driver JAR file (cdata.jdbc.api.jar) into the same directory as unified-adapter-[version].jar.

Note: Make sure to put the CData license file (cdata.jdbc.api.lic) into the same directory. Since the license is generated based on the unique identifier of the machine where the product in installed, you will need an offline activation if you want to put the file on another machine.

Starting DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect Agent

In Windows, start RunMyProcess DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect Agent in Windows services. To start the application through command line, see Starting the EnterpriseConnect Agent in the RunMyProcess documents.

Starting the JDBC Adapter

Start the JDBC Adapter from runAdapter.bat. Once the Adapter is running, you can access the application through the agent address (e.g. Below is an example executing the command in Windows.

... > java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=./ -cp lib/* org.runmyprocess.sec2.AdapterHandler : 2021-06-09 14:37:58|INFO|correlationId=|Searching for config file... 2021-06-09 14:37:58|INFO|correlationId=|Adapter Handler started with [JDBC] configuration 2021-06-09 14:37:59|INFO|correlationId=|agent address: 2021-06-09 14:38:00.251:INFO::ConnectionThread: Logging initialized @1820ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog 2021-06-09 14:38:00|INFO|correlationId=|onConnect() websocket connection between Agent and Adapter established

Once the DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect Agent and JDBC Adapter are running, access http://localhost:(specified-port-number)/ through your browser to open the page shown below.

Check the availability of the JDBC Adapter using tools such as Postman or cURL. Here, we use Postman to send the HTTP POST request.

Configure the RequestHeader as follows:

Content-Type application/json

Configure the RequestBody as follows:

{ "protocol":"JDBC", "data":{ "DBType":"API", "sqlUsername":"", "sqlPassword":"", "sqlStatement":"SELECT * FROM Employees" } }

If the JDBC.config file contains credential information, sqlUsername and sqlPassword can be left empty. If you are not sure of the table name, you can retrieve the list of tables using the request SELECT * FROM sys_tables

The request is successful if the Status is 200 and the Body contains BambooHR data in JSON format.

Connect to BambooHR through DSEC Agent in DigitalSuite Studio

Create a DigitalSuite Studio project and then create a Provider in the project.

  • URL: The URL for accessing JDBC Agent (e.g. http:localhost:8080/)
  • Authentication Scheme: Login/password
  • Login: The value from agent.user in the file
  • Password: agent.password in the file
  • Secured: Checked
  • Use DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect: Checked
  • With domain: The value from agent.domain in file

Next, create a Connector in the Provider.

  • Connector URL: Leave this empty
  • Architecture: REST/XML-RPC
  • Method: POST
  • Result format: JSON
  • Accept media type: application/json
  • Character set: Automatic
  • Content: Same as the Request body used in the JDBC Adapter
  • Content type: application/json

The JSON data we used as the Request body in JDBC Adapter:

{ "protocol":"JDBC", "data":{ "DBType":"API", "sqlUsername":"", "sqlPassword":"", "sqlStatement":"SELECT * FROM Employees" } }

Open Launch Test to perform the test. The test is successful if BambooHR data is shown in Result on the right pane.

Now you can use BambooHR data in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite Studio through DSEC.

For the detailed information on supported SQL commands, refer to the SQL Compliance section in our help documentation. For information on tables, refer to the Data Model section.