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Access Live AlloyDB Data in Coginiti Pro

Connect to and query live AlloyDB data from the GUI in the Coginiti Pro: SQL Analytics Tool.

Coginiti Pro is a single tool for all your SQL data and analytics needs, designed specifically for data engineers, analysts, and data scientists. When paired with the CData JDBC Driver for AlloyDB, Coginiti Pro can access and query live AlloyDB data. This article describes how to connect to and query AlloyDB data from Coginiti Pro.

With built-in optimized data processing, the CData JDBC Driver for AlloyDB offers unmatched performance for interacting with live AlloyDB data. When you issue complex SQL queries to AlloyDB, the driver pushes supported SQL operations, like filters and aggregations, directly to AlloyDB and utilizes the embedded SQL engine to process unsupported operations client-side (often SQL functions and JOIN operations). In addition, its built-in dynamic metadata querying allows you to work with and analyze AlloyDB data using native data types.

Gather Connection Properties and Build a Connection String

Download the CData JDBC Driver for AlloyDB installer, unzip the package, and run the JAR file to install the driver. Then gather the required connection properties.

The following connection properties are usually required in order to connect to AlloyDB.

  • Server: The host name or IP of the server hosting the AlloyDB database.
  • User: The user which will be used to authenticate with the AlloyDB server.
  • Password: The password which will be used to authenticate with the AlloyDB server.

You can also optionally set the following:

  • Database: The database to connect to when connecting to the AlloyDB Server. If this is not set, the user's default database will be used.
  • Port: The port of the server hosting the AlloyDB database. This property is set to 5432 by default.

Authenticating with Standard Authentication

Standard authentication (using the user/password combination supplied earlier) is the default form of authentication.

No further action is required to leverage Standard Authentication to connect.

Authenticating with pg_hba.conf Auth Schemes

There are additional methods of authentication available which must be enabled in the pg_hba.conf file on the AlloyDB server.

Find instructions about authentication setup on the AlloyDB Server here.

Authenticating with MD5 Authentication

This authentication method must be enabled by setting the auth-method in the pg_hba.conf file to md5.

Authenticating with SASL Authentication

This authentication method must be enabled by setting the auth-method in the pg_hba.conf file to scram-sha-256.

Authenticating with Kerberos

The authentication with Kerberos is initiated by AlloyDB Server when the ∏ is trying to connect to it. You should set up Kerberos on the AlloyDB Server to activate this authentication method. Once you have Kerberos authentication set up on the AlloyDB Server, see the Kerberos section of the help documentation for details on how to authenticate with Kerberos.

NOTE: To use the JDBC driver in Coginiti Pro, you may need a license (full or trial) and a Runtime Key (RTK). For more information on obtaining this license (or a trial), contact our sales team.

Built-in Connection String Designer

For assistance constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the AlloyDB JDBC Driver. Double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command line.

java -jar cdata.jdbc.alloydb.jar

Fill in the connection properties (including the RTK) and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

Create a JDBC Data Source for AlloyDB Data

  1. Open Coginiti Pro and in the File menu, select "Edit Drivers."
  2. In the newly opened wizard, click "Add" and select "Generic."
  3. In the "JDBC Drivers" wizard, set the driver properties (below) and click "Create Driver."

    • Set JDBC Driver Name to a useful name, like CData JDBC Driver for AlloyDB.
    • Click "Add Files" to add the JAR file from the "lib" folder in the installation directory (e.g. cdata.jdbc.alloydb.jar)
    • Select the Class Name: cdata.jdbc.alloydb.AlloyDBDriver.

Create a Connection using the CData JDBC Driver for AlloyDB

  1. In the File menu, click "Edit Connections."
  2. In the newly opened wizard, click "Add" and select "Generic."
  3. In the "Connections" wizard, set the connection properties.
    • Set Connection name to an identifying name.
    • Set Database JDBC driver to the Driver you configured earlier.
    • Set JDBC URL to the JDBC URL configured using the built-in connection string designer (e.g. jdbc:alloydb:User=alloydb;Password=admin;Database=alloydb;Server=;Port=5432
  4. Click "Test" to ensure the connection is configured properly. Click "Save."

Query AlloyDB Using SQL

  1. Open the Connections tab by clicking on database icon: .
  2. Click the plus sign () to add a new query tab.
  3. Once the query console is open, write the SQL script you wish to execute and click "Run at Cursor".

    NOTE: You can use the explorer on the left to determine table/view names and column names.

    Using the explorer

    1. In the "Select connection" field, select the connection you wish to query.
    2. Expand your newly created connection, expand the "CData" catalog, and expand the AlloyDB catalog.
    3. Expand "Tables" or "Views" to find the entity you wish to query.
    4. Expand your selected entity to explore the fields (columns).

Free Trial & More Information

Download a free, 30-day trial of the CData JDBC Driver for AlloyDB and start working with your live AlloyDB data in Coginiti Pro. Reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions.