EDI 861

EDI 861, also known as the Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate, is an electronic document used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to confirm the receipt of goods or services. It provides acknowledgment and acceptance details, enhancing communication and efficiency in supply chain transactions.

EDI 861 is a critical component of the EDI transaction set, which includes a range of documents such as purchase orders (EDI 850), invoices (EDI 810), and advance ship notices (EDI 856). The EDI 861 provides a detailed record of the goods or services received, including quantities, descriptions, and any discrepancies or issues identified at the time of receipt.

EDI 861 serves as a formal acknowledgment of receipt, providing a clear and auditable trail of the transaction. The buyer sends it to the seller after the goods have been received and inspected. The information in the EDI 861 can be used to update inventory records, trigger payment processes, and inform future purchasing decisions.

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