DB2 JDBC Driver

The DB2 JDBC driver is a software component that enables Java applications to connect and interact with IBM’s DB2 database management system. It provides a standardized interface for Java programs to execute SQL queries, retrieve data, and manage database transactions within DB2 databases.

The DB2 JDBC driver is part of the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API, which is a standard Java API for database-independent connectivity between Java applications and a wide range of databases. The DB2 JDBC driver implements this API, providing the necessary methods and interfaces for Java applications to interact with DB2 databases.

The driver communicates with the DB2 database server using the DB2 protocol, converting JDBC calls made by the application into a format that the DB2 database can understand. This allows Java applications to interact with the DB2 database using standard SQL syntax, without needing to know the specifics of the DB2 database system.

The DB2 JDBC driver supports all core JDBC functionality, including establishing connections to databases, executing SQL statements, retrieving results, and handling database transactions. It also supports advanced features such as prepared statements, stored procedures, and transaction isolation levels.

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