Industry Insights

Hybrid Cloud Adoption
March 21, 2023

Hybrid Cloud Adoption Delivers Key Business Benefits

A hybrid cloud approach could be a flexible, secure solution to solve your organization's data challenges. When businesses implement a hybrid cloud properly, they can improve business agility, performance, operational resilience, and security.

cdata virtuality
March 21, 2023

Navigating Legislative Changes in Dutch Pension Administration

The new pension scheme is forcing administrators to make their information provision much more efficient and personalized.

March 16, 2023

How to Communicate with CESOP and Comply with New EU Regulations

If your business provides payment services across European borders, you need to know how to communicate with the Central Electronic System of Payment information, or CESOP. This includes banks, electronic money institutions, and other regulated payment institutions.

February 22, 2023

Data On-Demand: Next-Gen Business Begins with Real-Time Data Connectivity

This article explores how real-time data connectivity solutions streamline data distribution and access to offer your lines of business (LOBs) access to data on-demand — across all your departments and applications directly at the source.

Next-Generation Data Architecture
February 21, 2023

Bring Your Org into the Future with Next-Generation Data Architecture

Data grows more crucial to modern business every day, yet many enterprises face bottlenecks limiting their data access. To combat data silos and operational delays, enterprises are opting for newer data management systems that enable lines of business to get the data they need on-demand.

cdata virtuality
January 24, 2023

Why Now is the Time for Data Virtualization and SaaS

How you can apply data virtualization, delivered in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) mode.

Real-Time Data Management
January 19, 2023

Enable Data-Driven Value with Real-Time Data Management

In the age of explosive data growth and demand, real-time data management enables you to stay ahead with unprecedented competitive edge and productivity. CData enables organizations to connect your data ecosystem and bring fresh insights faster than ever.

Data Governance
January 17, 2023

4 Ways to Overcome Data Connectivity Challenges for Data Governance

If you are using a data governance tool, you know that its value can be obstructed by a major roadblock: data silos. Your organization has an opportunity to introduce simple, flexible connectivity tools that open up new ways to govern data. Let’s explore what you can accomplish with better data connectivity solutions.

Data Management vs. Data Governance vs. Data Enablement
January 12, 2023

Data Management vs. Data Governance vs. Data Enablement: What You Need to Know

Turn your data into action: master data enablement, management, and governance. This guide clarifies the differences and empowers your business.

January 5, 2023

3 Ways to Leverage Data to Improve Supply Chain Collaboration

Global unpredictability exposes key opportunities to reform supply chain performance for increased sustainability, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

Finance Accounting Data Analysis
December 6, 2022

How Data Drives Finance and Accounting Collaboration

Stop using stale data to make budget decisions. With modern real-time data connectivity tools, your finance and accounting teams can work together to shift from a reactive to a proactive financial strategy.

Sales and marketing data integration
November 9, 2022

How Data Drives Sales and Marketing Collaboration

Discover how data analysis promotes collaboration between sales and marketing teams. Learn the benefits of data-driven decision-making with this insightful article.