こんにちは。CData Software Japan リードエンジニアの杉本です。
今回はCData HubSpot Driverで新しくサポートされたフィードバックアンケート:英語ではFeedback Surveys のAPIサポートの機能を紹介したいと思います。
フィードバックアンケート(Feedback Surveys)とは?
HubSpot で提供されているカスタマー サービス ソフトウェアの「Service Hub」で利用できるアンケート機能です。
そしてAPIでは、これらの回答内容が「Feedback Submissions」エンドポイントで取得できるようになっています。
CData HubSpot Driver では今回のアップデートで、この「Feedback Submissions」に対応し、アンケートの回答結果・その内容を取得することができるようになりました。
CData HubSpot Driver では新しく「Feedbacksubmissions」「FeedbackSubmissionAssociations」という2種類のテーブルをサポートしました。
Name |
Type |
Description |
Id [KEY] |
Long |
Unique identifier of the object. |
Archived |
Bool |
Whether the object is archived or not. |
CreatedAt |
Datetime |
When the object was created. |
UpdatedAt |
Datetime |
When the object was last updated. |
All accessible team IDs |
String |
The team IDs, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
Business units |
String |
The business units this record is assigned to. |
Contact Id |
Decimal |
The id of the contact most recently associated with this submission |
Created by user ID |
Decimal |
The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. |
Object create date/time |
Datetime |
The date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. |
Object last modified date/time |
Datetime |
Most recent timestamp of any property update for this object. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically. |
Merged object IDs |
String |
The list of object IDs that have been merged into this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. |
Object ID |
Decimal |
The unique ID for this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. |
Unique creation key |
String |
Unique property used for idempotent creates |
Updated by user ID |
Decimal |
The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. |
User IDs of all notification followers |
String |
The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt-in to getting follow notifications |
User IDs of all notification unfollowers |
String |
The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt-out of getting follow notifications |
User IDs of all owners |
String |
The user IDs of all owners of this object |
Survey ID |
Decimal |
The survey id that the feedback submission is linked with |
Survey Type |
String |
The type of the survey |
Source |
String |
The channel of the survey when the feedback submission occurred |
Date |
Datetime |
The timestamp of the feedback submission |
Rating |
Decimal |
The value of the feedback submission |
Feedback sentiment |
String |
The sentiment of the feedback submission |
Response |
String |
The follow-up response of the feedback submission |
Ingestion id |
String |
The identifier we use when we initially capture a feedback submission |
Knowledge article id |
Decimal |
The id of the knowledge article this submission was for |
Visitor id |
Decimal |
The id of the visitor who submitted this feedback |
Engagement id |
Decimal |
The id of the equivalent engagement object |
Submission URL |
String |
The URL of the page the submission was made from |
Survey Name |
String |
The name of the feedback survey the submission is linked with |
Form guid |
String |
The form guid that the feedback submission is linked with |
Email |
String |
The email of the contact associated with a feedback submission |
Submission Name |
String |
The email of the contact associated with a feedback submission |
重要な項目は[Survey Name]・[Survey Type]・[Source]・[Email]・[Rating]・[Feedback sentiment]・[Response]あたりではないでしょうか。
SELECT [Id],[Survey Name],[Survey Type],[Source],[Email],[Rating],[Feedback sentiment],[Response] FROM [Feedbacksubmissions];
Feedback Submissions APIの注意点
これはCData Driverというよりも、HubSpot Feedback Submissions API側の制約ですが、ちょっと注意点があります。
例えばEmailでアンケートを行った際に、まだ未回答の顧客も存在するかと思いますが、その「未回答」、どの顧客は回答していないか? というデータは取得できないようです。
また、2021年8月現在、Feedback Submissions APIに関しては現在Beta版として扱われています。