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Create a Data Access Object for SAP ByDesign Data using JDBI

A brief overview of creating a SQL Object API for SAP ByDesign data in JDBI.

JDBI is a SQL convenience library for Java that exposes two different style APIs, a fluent style and a SQL object style. The CData JDBC Driver for SAP ByDesign integrates connectivity to live SAP ByDesign data in Java applications. By pairing these technologies, you gain simple, programmatic access to SAP ByDesign data. This article walks through building a basic Data Access Object (DAO) and the accompanying code to read SAP ByDesign data.

Create a DAO for the SAP ByDesign [Inventory Balance] Entity

The interface below declares the desired behavior for the SQL object to create a single method for each SQL statement to be implemented.

public interface My[Inventory Balance]DAO { //request specific data from SAP ByDesign (String type is used for simplicity) @SqlQuery("SELECT ProductCategoryID FROM [Inventory Balance] WHERE ProductCategoryID = :productCategoryID") String findProductCategoryIDByProductCategoryID(@Bind("productCategoryID") String productCategoryID); /* * close with no args is used to close the connection */ void close(); }

Open a Connection to SAP ByDesign

Collect the necessary connection properties and construct the appropriate JDBC URL for connecting to SAP ByDesign.

Set the following connection properties to connect to SAP ByDesign.

  • Url: Set this to the Url of your SAP ByDesign site. For example,
  • User: Set this to the username of your account.
  • Password: Set this to the password of your account.
  • CustomService or AnalyticsService: Only one of these must be specified. If you have a custom service you want to retrieve data from, specify CustomService. If you want to retrieve the reports of a analytical service, specify AnalyticsService.
    If neither is specified, 'cc_home_analytics.svc' will used as a default for the AnalyticsService property. If you are not sure what service to specify, you can always query the Services view to list available services.

Built-in Connection String Designer

For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the SAP ByDesign JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

java -jar cdata.jdbc.sapbydesign.jar

Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

A connection string for SAP ByDesign will typically look like the following:


Use the configured JDBC URL to obtain an instance of the DAO interface. The particular method shown below will open a handle bound to the instance, so the instance needs to be closed explicitly to release the handle and the bound JDBC connection.

DBI dbi = new DBI("jdbc:sapbydesign:URL=;User=username;Password=password;CustomService=servicename;"); My[Inventory Balance]DAO dao =[Inventory Balance]DAO.class); //do stuff with the DAO dao.close();

Read SAP ByDesign Data

With the connection open to SAP ByDesign, simply call the previously defined method to retrieve data from the [Inventory Balance] entity in SAP ByDesign.

//disply the result of our 'find' method String productCategoryID = dao.findProductCategoryIDByProductCategoryID("1234567"); System.out.println(productCategoryID);

Since the JDBI library is able to work with JDBC connections, you can easily produce a SQL Object API for SAP ByDesign by integrating with the CData JDBC Driver for SAP ByDesign. Download a free trial and work with live SAP ByDesign data in custom Java applications today.