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Configure a Solicit-Response Send Port for the CData BizTalk Adapter for Adobe Commerce

Use the adapter for Adobe Commerce with a solicit-response send port to execute updategrams and data manipulation SQL in BizTalk.

This section provides step-by-step instructions for creating, configuring, and testing a static solicit-response send port using the CData BizTalk Adapter for Adobe Commerce. You can use a static solicit-response send port to execute commands and access the results in BizTalk. You can use send ports to execute updategram commands, SQL commands, and stored procedure operations.

Create and Configure the Send Port

Create a static solicit-response send port and configure it to use the adapter as its transport type.

  1. If you have not already done so, open your BizTalk application in the BizTalk Administration Console.
  2. In the node for your BizTalk application, right-click Send Ports and select New -> Static Solicit-Response Send Port. The Send Port Properties dialog is displayed.
  3. In the Send Port properties, enter a name for the receive port.
  4. In the Transport Type menu, select CData.Adobe Commerce;.
  5. In the Send pipeline menu, select the default option, PassThruTransmit.
  6. In the Receive pipeline menu, select the default option, PassThruReceive.

Configure the Adapter

Define the command the adapter will execute in the Transport Properties dialog.

  1. In the send port properties, click the Configure button. The Adapter Transport Properties dialog is displayed.
  2. In the CommandType property, select the command type you want.
  3. If you want to execute an SQL command, enter the command in the SQL Command box.
Refer to the "Adapter Configuration" chapter in the help documentation for a description of the various properties and their functions.

Configure the Connection to Adobe Commerce

Configure credentials and other properties required to connect to Adobe Commerce in the Connection String Options dialog.

  1. In the send port properties, click Configure. The adapter properties dialog is displayed.
  2. Click the button in the Connection String property. The Connection String Options dialog is displayed.
  3. Enter the connection properties. Below is a typical connection string: OAuthClientId=MyConsumerKey;OAuthClientSecret=MyConsumerSecret;CallbackURL=;Url=https://myAdobe;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH

    Adobe Commerce uses the OAuth 1 authentication standard. To connect to the Adobe Commerce REST API, you will need to obtain values for the OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and CallbackURL connection properties by registering an app with your Adobe Commerce system. See the "Getting Started" section in the help documentation for a guide to obtaining the OAuth values and connecting.

    You will also need to provide the URL to your Adobe Commerce system. The URL depends on whether you are using the Adobe Commerce REST API as a customer or administrator.

    • Customer: To use Adobe Commerce as a customer, make sure you have created a customer account in the Adobe Commerce homepage. To do so, click Account -> Register. You can then set the URL connection property to the endpoint of your Adobe Commerce system.

    • Administrator: To access Adobe Commerce as an administrator, set CustomAdminPath instead. This value can be obtained in the Advanced settings in the Admin menu, which can be accessed by selecting System -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Admin -> Admin Base URL.

      If the Use Custom Admin Path setting on this page is set to YES, the value is inside the Custom Admin Path text box; otherwise, set the CustomAdminPath connection property to the default value, which is "admin".

  4. Click Test Connection to verify the values and test connectivity.
Refer to the "Connection String Options" chapter in the help documentation for a description of the various properties and their functions. The updategram tutorial for the adapter for Adobe Commerce walks through the steps to create a simple application that uses a solicit-response send port to execute an insert updategram to Adobe Commerce.