
Excel Online ODBC Driver の30日間無償トライアルをダウンロード



Excel Online アイコン Excel Online ODBC Driver 相談したい

Excel Online ODBC Driver は、ODBC 接続をサポートするさまざまなアプリケーションからExcel Online データへの接続を実現するパワフルなツールです。

標準のODBC ドライバーインターフェースを使用して、データベースのようにExcel Online スプレッドシートデータにアクセスし、データの読み、書き、更新を実行できます。

DataBind Controls to Excel Online データ in C++Builder

DataBind to Excel Online のデータ in C++Builder with standard components and controls.


The CData ODBC Driver for Excel Online makes it easy to integrate connectivity to live Excel Online のデータ with standard data access components in C++Builder. This article shows how to create a simple visual component library (VCL) application in C++Builder that connects to Excel Online のデータ, executes queries, and displays the results in a grid. An additional section shows how to use FireDAC components to execute commands from code.

Create a Connection to Excel Online データ

If you have not already, first specify connection properties in an ODBC DSN (data source name). This is the last step of the driver installation. You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure ODBC DSNs.

ワークブックに接続するには、Excel Online への認証を提供し、 次のプロパティを設定します。

  • Workbook: ワークブックの名前かId に設定。利用可能なワークブックに関する情報のリストを表示する場合は、認証後にWorkbooks ビューに対してクエリを実行します。

  • UseSandbox: Sandbox アカウントのワークブックに接続している場合はtrue に設定。それ以外の場合は、これを空のままにしてプロダクションアカウントに接続します。

OAuth 認証を使うこともできます。ユーザー資格情報の接続プロパティを設定せずに接続できます。接続すると、CData 製品はデフォルトブラウザでOAuth エンドポイントを開きます。ログインして、CData 製品にアクセス許可を与えます。CData 製品がOAuth プロセスを完了します。 他のOAuth 認証フローについては、ヘルプドキュメントの「OAuth 認証の使用」を参照してください。

You can then follow the steps below to use the Data Explorer to create a FireDAC connection to Excel Online.

  1. In a new VCL Forms application, expand the FireDAC node in the Data Explorer.
  2. Right-click the ODBC Data Source node in the Data Explorer.
  3. Click Add New Connection.
  4. Enter a name for the connection.
  5. In the FireDAC Connection Editor that appears, set the DataSource property to the name of the ODBC DSN for Excel Online.

Create VCL Applications with Connectivity to Excel Online データ

Follow the procedure below to start querying Excel Online のデータ from a simple VCL application that displays the results of a query in a grid.

  1. Drop a TFDConnection component onto the form and set the following properties:

    • ConnectionDefName: Select the FireDAC connection to Excel Online.
    • Connected: Select True from the menu and, in the dialog that appears, enter your credentials.
  2. Drop a TFDQuery component onto the form and set the properties below:

    • Connection: Set this property to the TFDConnection component, if this component is not already specified.
    • SQL: Click the button in the SQL property and enter a query. For example:

      SELECT Id, Column1 FROM Test_xlsx_Sheet1
    • Active: Set this property to true.
  3. Drop a TDataSource component onto the form and set the following property:

    • DataSet: In the menu for this property, select the name of the TFDQuery component.
  4. Drop a TDBGrid control onto the form and set the following property:

    • DataSource: Select the name of the TDataSource.
  5. Drop a TFDGUIxWaitCursor onto the form — this is required to avoid a run-time error.

Execute Commands to Excel Online with FireDAC Components

You can use the TFDConnection and TFQuery components to execute queries to Excel Online のデータ. This section provides Excel Online-specific examples of executing queries with the TFQuery component.

Connect to Excel Online データ

To connect to the data source, set the Connected property of the TFDConnection component to true. You can set the same properties from code:

FDConnection1->ConnectionDefName = "CData Excel Online ODBC Source"; FDConnection1->Connected = true;

To connect the TFDQuery component to Excel Online のデータ, set the Connection property of the component. When a TFDQuery component is added at design time, its Connection property is automatically set to point to a TFDConnection on the form, as in the application above.

Create Parameterized Queries

To create a parameterized query, use the following syntax below:

FDQuery1->SQL->Text = "select * from Test_xlsx_Sheet1 where column2 = :Column2"; FDQuery1->ParamByName("column2")->AsString = "Bob"; query->Open();

The example above binds a string-type input parameter by name and then opens the dataset that results.

Prepare the Statement

Preparing statements is costly in system resources and time. The connection must be active and open while a statement is prepared. By default, FireDAC prepares the query to avoid recompiling the same query over and over. To disable statement preparation, set ResourceOptions.DirectExecute to True; for example, when you need to execute a query only once.

Execute a Query

To execute a query that returns a result set, such as a select query, use the Open method. The Open method executes the query, returns the result set, and opens it. The Open method will return an error if the query does not produce a result set.

FDQuery1->SQL->Text := "select * from Test_xlsx_Sheet1 where column2 = :Column2"; FDQuery1.ParamByName("column2")->AsString = "Bob"; FDQuery1->Open();

To execute a query that does not return a result set, use the ExecSQL method. The ExecSQL method will return an error if the query returns a result set. To retrieve the count of affected rows use the TFD.RowsAffected property.

FDQ.SQL.Text := "delete from Test_xlsx_Sheet1 where Id = :Id"; FDQuery1->Params->Items[0]->AsString = "x12345"; FDQuery1->ExecSQL(); AnsiString i = FDQuery1->RowsAffected;

Related Articles

Below you can find other articles for using the CData ODBC Driver with RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++ Builder.



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