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Connect to Azure Data Lake Storage Data through External Services in Salesforce

Use CData Connect Cloud to securely provide OData feeds of Azure Data Lake Storage data to smart devices and cloud-based applications. Use the CData Connect and Salesforce Connect to create Azure Data Lake Storage Data objects that you can access from apps and the dashboard.

CData Connect Cloud, enables you to access Azure Data Lake Storage data from cloud-based applications like the Salesforce console and mobile applications like the Salesforce Mobile App. In this article, you will use CData Connect Cloud to access Azure Data Lake Storage data through Salesforce External Services.

Connect to Azure Data Lake Storage from Salesforce

To work with live Azure Data Lake Storage data in Salesforce Connect, we need to connect to Azure Data Lake Storage from Connect Cloud, provide user access to the connection, and create OData endpoints for the Azure Data Lake Storage data.

(Optional) Add a New Connect Cloud User

As needed, create Users to connect to Azure Data Lake Storage through Connect Cloud.

  1. Navigate to the Users page and click Invite Users
  2. Enter the new user's email address and click Send to invite the user
  3. You can review and edit users from the Users page

Add a Personal Access Token

If you are connecting from a service, application, platform, or framework that does not support OAuth authentication, you can create a Personal Access Token (PAT) to use for authentication. Best practices would dictate that you create a separate PAT for each service, to maintain granularity of access.

  1. Click on your username at the top right of the Connect Cloud app and click User Profile.
  2. On the User Profile page, scroll down to the Personal Access Tokens section and click Create PAT.
  3. Give your PAT a name and click Create.
  4. The personal access token is only visible at creation, so be sure to copy it and store it securely for future use.

Connect to Azure Data Lake Storage from Connect Cloud

CData Connect Cloud uses a straightforward, point-and-click interface to connect to data sources.

  1. Log into Connect Cloud, click Connections and click Add Connection
  2. Select "Azure Data Lake Storage" from the Add Connection panel
  3. Enter the necessary authentication properties to connect to Azure Data Lake Storage.

    Authenticating to a Gen 1 DataLakeStore Account

    Gen 1 uses OAuth 2.0 in Azure AD for authentication.

    For this, an Active Directory web application is required. You can create one as follows:

    1. Sign in to your Azure Account through the .
    2. Select "Azure Active Directory".
    3. Select "App registrations".
    4. Select "New application registration".
    5. Provide a name and URL for the application. Select Web app for the type of application you want to create.
    6. Select "Required permissions" and change the required permissions for this app. At a minimum, "Azure Data Lake" and "Windows Azure Service Management API" are required.
    7. Select "Key" and generate a new key. Add a description, a duration, and take note of the generated key. You won't be able to see it again.

    To authenticate against a Gen 1 DataLakeStore account, the following properties are required:

    • Schema: Set this to ADLSGen1.
    • Account: Set this to the name of the account.
    • OAuthClientId: Set this to the application Id of the app you created.
    • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the key generated for the app you created.
    • TenantId: Set this to the tenant Id. See the property for more information on how to acquire this.
    • Directory: Set this to the path which will be used to store the replicated file. If not specified, the root directory will be used.

    Authenticating to a Gen 2 DataLakeStore Account

    To authenticate against a Gen 2 DataLakeStore account, the following properties are required:

    • Schema: Set this to ADLSGen2.
    • Account: Set this to the name of the account.
    • FileSystem: Set this to the file system which will be used for this account.
    • AccessKey: Set this to the access key which will be used to authenticate the calls to the API. See the property for more information on how to acquire this.
    • Directory: Set this to the path which will be used to store the replicated file. If not specified, the root directory will be used.
  4. Click Create & Test
  5. Navigate to the Permissions tab in the Add Azure Data Lake Storage Connection page and update the User-based permissions.

Create an OpenAPI File for Azure Data Lake Storage

After connecting to Azure Data Lake Storage, create a workspace and virtual dataset for your desired table(s).

  1. Navigate to the Virtual Datasets page and click Add to create a new Workspace (or select an existing workspace).
  2. Click Add to add new assets to the Workspace.
  3. Select the Azure Data Lake Storage connection (e.g. ADLS1) and click Next.
  4. Select the table(s) you wish to work with and click Confirm.
  5. Configure the Open API options:
    • Set Version to "3.0"
    • Set Convert array types to strings to off
  6. Click Download to download the OpenAI JSON file.

With the connection configure and OpenAPI file downloaded, you are ready to connect to Azure Data Lake Storage data from Salesforce External Services.

Connect to Azure Data Lake Storage Data as an External Service

Follow the steps below to connect to the OpenAPI produced by Connect Cloud.

  1. Log into Salesforce and navigate to Salesforce Setup.
  2. Select Platform Tools -> Integrations -> External Services.
  3. Click Add an External Service.
  4. Click Select an API source from API Specification and click Next.
  5. In Provide Registration Details, enter the following:
    • External Service Name — an identifying name for your external service.
    • Description — a description of your external service.
    • Service Schema — select Upload from local.
    • Select a Named Credential — select the named credential you created.
  6. Upload the JSON file you downloaded from CData Connect.
  7. If the schema validation was successful, click Save & Next.
  8. The next step is Select Operations. These operations are all the actions of the connector that are contained in the OpenAPI specification file. The actions include all the functions you need for the table, including list, get, create, update, and delete records. The actions include a description, input parameters, and output parameters.

    The input parameters are appended to the URL, such as $top, $filter, and $orderby. See API Operations for a complete parameter reference. The input parameters are based on OData filtering.

    Select the operations you want to include in the external service.

  9. Review the actions for your external service, including the input and output parameters. If you need to change input or output parameters, you need to edit the OpenAPI specification file.
  10. Click Finish. Your external service appears in the list of external services for Salesforce and is now available to build flows.

Simplified Access to Azure Data Lake Storage Data from Cloud Applications

At this point, you have a direct, cloud-to-cloud connection to live Azure Data Lake Storage data from Salesforce. For more information on gaining simplified access to data from more than 100 SaaS, Big Data, and NoSQL sources in cloud applications like Salesforce, refer to our Connect Cloud page.