Tag: Solutions & Use Cases

CData Blog

July 22, 2021

Reverse ETL with Salesforce and SQL Server

by Haley Burton

As data usage grows many organizations turn to data warehousing in order to consolidate data for analytics, reporting, governance and decision support. Modern warehousing solutions are flexible, faster, more scalable, and more economical than ever before. But data warehousing is not witho...

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July 15, 2021

Future-Proof Your Salesforce Integrations with CData

by Jerod Johnson

The use of APIs is growing exponentially. According to Programmable Web, a directory of public APIs, the volume of public APIs has grown from fewer than 500 to more than 24,000 from 2008 to 2021. That is staggering growth, and the pace of API innovations show no signs of slowing down. Wha...

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July 06, 2021

ETL vs. ELT: Which is better? 6 key differences

by Alex Pauncz

To bring their diffuse data into their data warehouse, organizations typically leverage an ETL or ELT process using a dedicated data pipeline. In this article, we define and compare the six main differences between ETL and ELT processes to help you determine which is right in various data integration scenarios.

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June 30, 2021

3 Integration Strategies for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

by Haley Burton

When freely available to your key stakeholders, data can give you a 360-degree view of your customers and your enterprise to help you make solid business decisions. To make the most of their data, organizations need to invest in data connectivity infrastructure. Integration Options for th...

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June 25, 2021

Too Much Data in Your Warehouse for Power BI – Now What?

by Jerod Johnson

As more organizations lean into data-driven digital transformation efforts, lines of business are increasingly demanding access to their data to gain actionable insights into performance and business health. In previous articles, we've discussed how consolidating your disparate data into ...

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data warehouse
June 22, 2021

6 Best Data Warehousing Solutions for BI & Analytics

by Haley Burton

Data warehousing is a popular, powerful way to overcome data fragmentation challenges. At a high level, the process involves two steps. First, you must centralize data generated by your enterprise applications and systems into a common data warehouse. Then, you give your data analysts and decision-makers unified access to that data so they may perform analytics processes using their chosen data analytics tools.

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Replicating and Consolidating QuickBooks and NetSuite Accounting Data
June 15, 2021

Drivers in Focus Part 2: Replicating and Consolidating QuickBooks and NetSuite Accounting Data

by Jerod Johnson

In the first part of our Drivers in Focus series featuring connectivity solutions for accounting software, we shared customer stories that highlight the benefits real-time data connectivity with analytics dashboards, dynamic reports, and more. In our second post, we discuss scenarios when...

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API vs SQL Connectivity
June 09, 2021

APIs vs. SQL-Based Connectivity: What's The Difference

by Alex Pauncz

Explore the nuances and functionalities of both API and SQL, unraveling their distinctive roles in data management and communication protocols.

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June 08, 2021

World of Data Series Part 3: Analyzing and Actioning Data

by Haley Burton

Access to accurate data is only one part of the equation to making that data actionable. Only when analytics is at the forefront of your strategy will you be able to drive business outcomes using your data The ability to make sense of the data you have on hand and turn it into actionable ...

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